Concept of Operations Validation Report


X-TEAM D2D project aimed to define, develop, and validate a Concept of Operations (ConOps) for the seamless integration of ATM and Air Transport into an overall intermodal network, including other available transportation means (surface, water), to contribute to the ACARE SRIA FlightPath 2050 goals. X-TEAM D2D does not address the complete FlightPath target of door-to-door travel between any location in Europe in up to 4 hours but aims contributing to this goal by providing and preliminarily validating a ConOps for a specific case of a seamless door-to-door mobility in urban and suburban (up to regional) environment, i.e., X-TEAM D2D target scenarios address the connection of a big metropolis with the surrounding area (up to country-wide level).

The project is focused on the consideration of ConOps for ATM integration in intermodal transport networks serving Urban and Extended Urban mobility, considering the transportation and passengers service scenarios envisaged for the following decades: baseline (2025), intermediate (2035), and final (2050) time horizons. The target ConOps encompasses both the transportation platforms integration concepts and the innovative seamless mobility as a service, including ATM concepts.

The X-TEAM D2D project developed a simulation-based platform for validating the proposed ConOps, considering the most relevant elements of the future transport, such as interfaces mode-mode, high- level network model, and passenger-centric paradigm. In particular, the project WP5 activities addressed the validation of ConOps supporting the seamless integration of ATM into an overall intermodal network from the passengers’ perspective and overall multimodal system performance based on the corresponding KPAs and KPIs.

The deliverable D5.1 reports the outcomes of the WP5 activities and describes the results of the validation of the Concept of Operations for ATM integration in the intermodal transport system. Furthermore, this document emphasizes the conclusions and recommendations arising from the preliminary ConOps validation results.